BEST Kids Superhero 5K & Fun Run

  • 04.21.2018 @ 08:00 AM
  • Washington, District of Columbia
Mark Lewis's Fundraising Page
I am participating in a 5k Superhero Fun Run to support children youth development for Best Kids, Inc! The 2018 Superhero 5K & Fun Run is a celebration of the everyday heroes that make a positive impact in the lives of youth in DC's foster care system.

I am seeking to reach a personal fundraising goal of $1,000 and am reaching out to you for support! Yes, I am asking you for some cheddar! This money will go straight towards these programs and benefit the youth who need that extra support to boost them to their full potential!

Please help me reach my goal. No amount is insignificant, every dollar counts!

Thank you for your help! I will be thinking of your support as I cross the finish line in my cape and tights!
Funds Raised
$1,585 / $1,000 (100%)
Help us get to our goal
Next Steps to Donate or Fundraise
My Donators!
May God bless all these kids & thanks to Mark Lewis for doing this, which is priceless.
Brittany Johnson
Love this fundraiser
Patti Brangman
Jessica Blackburn
Your BFF
Kennedy and Ryder
Lisa Kelly
Dandi Alacbay
Nikki Fasula
I love this❤️
Janice W.
Glad to support Best Kids in their mentoring mission to young people. Thanks Revel and Mark for giving us the avenue to do so.
Milita Darcourt
My donation is being made at 11:45 am hope you win raising the most money before 12 pm
you\'re favorite muggle
Rachel Macasieb
Kelly Griffith
sugar momma
because i feel bad you have to sit so close to trevor
Caitlín Kearns
Sara A
Katie Labuda
Kelsey Goodnight
Sounds like a great organization!
Crystal Nowlin
Emily Inglis
Run Marky Run!
Loren Long
Loren Long
Sheila Dunbar
Elizabeth Vatty
Janice W.
Go Mark!
Brittani Cockerham
Sarah Bush
Cory M.
Bri Molina
Abby R
Nicki Bellizia
Ashley williams
Katie Fabian
Revel Dance Fitness
Mark Lewis
Cash from dance event