Run4Veterans 5k Run/Walk

  • 11.06.2022 @ 11:30 AM
  • Worcester, Massachusetts
Event Details
starts at 11:30 AM
$331 Raised!
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Non-Profit Information
About Run4Veterans 5k Run/Walk
Veterans Inc. is New England’s leading provider of support services to veterans and their families. A 501(c)(3) non-profit, the organization’s single-minded mission is to be there for our veterans in their time of need. Incorporated in 1990, Veterans Inc. has helped more than 90,000 veterans in need and today operates offices and programs in all six New England states, Montana, and North Dakota. The support services include housing programs, counseling, employment and training, family programs, benefits counseling and advocacy, behavioral health services, transportation, temporary financial assistance, health and wellness, food services, and women and childcare services.
Current Fundraisers
Visit the profiles of our fundraisers below to learn more about why they are supporting the cause!

$1 Raised!
$205 Raised!
$100 Raised!
$25 Raised!
Next Steps to Donate or Fundraise
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