Benaroya Research Institute Seafair Triathlon

  • 07.22.2018 @ 06:30 AM
  • Seattle, Washington
Event Details
starts at 06:30 AM
$15 Raised!
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About BRI Seafair Triathlon
Benaroya Research Institute (BRI) at Virginia Mason

Race to Eliminate Autoimmune Diseases

Our Mission

As an internationally recognized medical research institute, we are committed to winning the fight against autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and immune system diseases such as allergies and asthma. BRI is turning the tide against autoimmune diseases – beyond treating or trying to contain them, we’re learning to prevent them from ever taking hold. Because autoimmune diseases are connected, so is the way we’re fighting them. We’re applying the breakthroughs we make against individual autoimmune diseases to make progress against them all

Donations are investments in discovery. We leverage every $1 donated into another $6 of additional research funding. Donations support Discovery, Tools, Hopeful Therapies, and more.

Help Benaroya Research Institute find a cure today. Start fundraising as part of your BRI Seafair Triathlon experience today. A gift of $30 funds 5 minutes of research - getting us 5 minutes closer to a cure.
Current Fundraisers
Visit the profiles of our fundraisers below to learn more about why they are supporting the cause!

$15 Raised!
Next Steps to Donate or Fundraise
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