I have lost three pets to cancer and this is for them! Storm was my Greyhound who died in 2011 the week before my last collegiate cross country race from bone cancer. He raced himself until he was 2 before living a life of retirement and steak stealing. I didn't know how I was going to pull off a good race when I wasn't thinking straight, eating right, or sleeping well. I was more than a little bit devastated by it all, but knew I had to pull myself up by the boot straps. After some thinking I came up with a mantra that I use in my races to this day; "STORM IT UP!" I can now be seen kicking asphalt in a singlet I designed myself with a Greyhound on it and a lightning bolt going through it that says my special phrase.
Since Storm died I have also lost Cloudy my rat and Raphael my ferret to cancer. I am running this 5k to honor and celebrate their lives. The amount of joy that pets bring into our lives is not measurable; the least we can do is fight for causes that support theses furries. Thank you for supporting me by supporting them. Every cent counts!