Women's Fund Tiara 5K

  • 05.11.2014 @ 09:30 AM
  • Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Serena Rivera's Fundraising Page
Team As Lindas is running for all the wonderful and powerful ladies out there striving towards greatness or just being their awesome selves. We strongly believe in the mission of the Women's Fund of Southeastern Massachusetts and want to show our support through our participation in this run and through the charitable kindness of our friends and family. Although this fundraiser is very last minute, we are hoping to surpass our goal. Any amount will help. Please show your support for all the lovely ladies you know and all the strong women who will be helped/have been helped by this great organization.
Funds Raised
$120 / $100 (100%)
Help us get to our goal
Non-Profit Information
About Women's Fund Tiara 5K
The Women’s Fund, an endowed fund of the Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts is a fundraising organization with a mission to advance the educational attainment and economic security of women and girls in Southeastern Massachusetts.We raise money for programs that help under-served girls and mothers become self-sufficient adults. We believe that mentoring, education and skills development allow them to flourish, contribute and become role models and leaders. This strengthens and benefits family, community and society.
Next Steps to Donate or Fundraise
My Donators!
Marion Rivera
Proud to support Women's Fund Tiara
Anna K
Rooting for you, lindas!
Bob Eisner
Good luck
Go Serena! This is an awesome cause, I wish you all the best in the race.