6th Annual Remembering Our Angels 5k run/walk

  • 05.13.2023 @ 10:00 AM
  • Marlborough , Massachusetts
Ed Karvoski Jr's Fundraising Page
As a journalist, I covered the Remembering Our Angels 5K Run/Walk to benefit Team Sharing, Inc. This nonprofit supports families who have lost a child to substance use disorder. Now recently retired and 32 years in recovery from SUD, I’m walking the sixth annual 5K with a team called Do Something.

Do you want to do something to help the cause? If so, please donate whatever you can. Thanks!
Funds Raised
$200 / $400 (50%)
Help us get to our goal
Non-Profit Information
About Team Sharing, Inc
TEAM SHARING INC is an organization of parents who have lost a child to Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Through social networking, community activism, grief services and advocacy, TEAM SHARING provides support and friendship to grieving families while working to raise awareness of Substance Use Disorder and it's impact on our communities.
Next Steps to Donate or Fundraise
My Donators!
Paul Bolt
Good luck Ed
Mary & David
Thank you for stepping up, Ed. Great Cause.