The Boston 5K Run/Walk For Elephants

  • 11.14.2021 @ 11:00 AM
  • Chestnut Hill Reservoir, Massachusetts
Behemoth's Fundraising Page
My good friend Therese Desmond is managing a Walk/Run for Elephants, to take place on
Sunday November 14th at 10 am at Chestnut Hill Reservoir in Chestnut Hill MA.
I am helping to register people and plan on walk- ing around the reservoir twice that day to show solidarity for the elephants. The proceeds go to support a conserve in Africa, mentioned in the attached links and help to stop poachers from killing and maiming these most wonderful of inhabitants on planet earth. and
Won't you join us? Outside? Together? Take a few steps to save a worthy species from extinc- tion?
Jeannine Furrer
Funds Raised
$1,000 / $2 (100%)
Help us get to our goal
Next Steps to Donate or Fundraise
My Donators!
Jeannine Furrer
Hillary Schultz
The plight of elephants breaks my heart
Mercy Wheeler
Ira and Melissa
What a great charity. Thanks Jeannine.
Caroline McCloy
The Stoners
Walter and susan Cudnohufsky
Donna Wischhusen
Bob & Lynn Dashevsky
Good luck for a good cause!
Colin and Weasel
Wish I could join you but will be out of state. Have a great walk- what a wonderful cause. ❤️🐘