Your first step to create a promo code is to select "Promotions" in the advanced features tap. Once you check that box, it will populate on the left side bar.
Now, select the new promotions tab, and select "click to generate code". This will create a random code. Change the name of the code to whatever fits your specific needs!
You will also have the ability to change all the specifics for each code (percentage or dollar amount, exact amount, and number of uses.
These codes will allow for registrants of your choice to register at a discounted rate. Keep in mind, you can generate as many of these as you'd like, just remember to click SAVE before exiting the screen.
If you'd like to see how many times each code has been used, and who used them, just scroll down to the second section "Used Promotional Codes". This will show you exactly who used each code, and how many times the code has been used!