Your first step to create a participant cap is to select "Participant Cap" in the advanced features tap. Once you check that box, it will populate on the left side bar.
Now, just click on the new participant cap tab on the left side and enter the maximum number. You'll notice you can set it for the entire event, or you can set limits specifically for each sub event.
Remember, when you are using participant caps, you are using this tool for only one event. So you could have one event in May called Evan's Run, and another in October called the Otis Road Race. When you set this participant cap, you are only setting it for one of your event.
*Important this cap only takes into account the registrants you have in our system. So if your event usually has around 1,000 registrants, 500 of which register online, 300 of which mail in their registrations and 200 which are race day registrants, the cap will only count the number of people on our website, which will be the number that registered online (500), and any mail in's that you enter into our system.