Event Information
What Is the Co-op 5k?
The Co-op 5k serves as a major fundraiser for the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF). CDF is a non-profit foundation with a national and international focus on community, economic, and social development through co-op enterprise (www.cdf.coop). Monies raised through the event go to support cooperative causes world-wide.
Virtual Logistics
Co-op Virtual 5k is a week long event from April 25- May 1st at 11:59pm. Participants will have the entire week to walk or run 3.1 miles anywhere. Use a GPS tracker device to show proof of your walk or run. Need some tunes to listen to while you're on the move? Download our curated playlist provided by our sponsors. Snap a picture of your time and send to us. Visit cdf.coop/co-op-5k for our full FAQs.
Race Materials
Your t-shirt will be mailed to you. This year, Race Wire will be emailing you your race bib. Make sure to register with the address you want your t-shirt sent to. Register by April 2 to be guaranteed a t-shirt in your desired size. Participants that register after April 2 will receive a large t-shirt. Race packets will be mailed out starting on April 12.
Cabot Creamery Raffle
In honor of National Co-op Week, the farm families of Cabot Creamery Co-operative want to thank you for participating in the Co-op 5k in the best way they know how...with cheese! Check your confirmation email for a link to register to win one of Cabot's 25 gift boxes.
Group Awards
Trophies are given for the Fastest Team, Most Team Spirit, and Highest Fundraisers!
Posting Results
You will have from April 25-May 1st at 11pm to submit Results. Results will be posted May 4th. Go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLWvZ7LpPBKsqAubslQS0m4y9AcdNUpSITcPCEKc_y12K15A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
to submit results.