La Mascota 5k

  • 03.11.2017 @ 09:30 AM
  • Los Angeles, California
Event Closed
The event director has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
03 .11 .2017
starts at 09 :30 AM
ends at 12 :00 PM
Contact Details
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Event Information
The first ever La Mascota Hospital 5K Run/Walk will take place on March 11, 2017 in Griffith Park. The Flintridge Prep High School’s Athletic Council on Leadership is hosting the event to benefit La Mascota Hospital. La Mascota is the only children's cancer hospital in all of Nicaragua. Our goal is not only to raise funds for La Mascota, but also raise awareness about what is going on in the world around us.

45.2% of Nicaragua’s population lives below the poverty line, so all proceeds from the event will go to A World of One’s Own. A World of One’s Own is a nonprofit dedicated to providing transportation to and from the hospital to people all over Nicaragua who cannot afford to pay for transportation themselves.

For the last 20 years Prep has visited and spent time at La Mascota hospital. After her experience on “the Nicaragua Trip”, one of Prep’s alumna, Naomi Hatanaka founded A World of One’s Own. Seeing the hospital first hand and spending time with the children at La Mascota was what led us to plan and host this event.
Not going to run but still wish to donate?
You can donate directly HERE!
Team Counts
Want to know how many participants are on each team? Click here to check!
Team Registration Style
Please select a method of registration below:
   Join a Team: Pick from a list of team names on the next page and join your team.
   Create a Team: Once you create a team, participants can join your team under the "join a team" option above.
   Individual Registration: Register as an individual participant.
I know that running a road race is potentially hazardous activity, which could cause injury or death. I will not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained, and by my signature, I certify that I am medically able to perform this event, and am in good health, and I am properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to any aspect of my participation in this event, including the right of any official to deny or suspend my participation for any reason whatsoever. I attest that I have read the rules of the race and agree to abide by them.  I assume all risks associated with running in this event, including but no limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, traffic and the conditions of the road [insert any specific risks related to your here, e.g. “the alligators who bask in the sun at the corner of 4th and Sunset St…”’], all such risks being known and appreciated by me. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates or roller blades, animals, and personal music players are not allowed in the race and I will abide by all race rules. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and inconsideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the La Mascota 5k, the city of Los Angeles, and the Road Runners Club of America, all event sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver.  I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use my photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. Signature: Date: Parent’s Signature if under 18 years: Date: