APA 5k

  • 05.01.2016 @ 10:00 AM
  • AUBURN, Massachusetts
Event Closed
The event director has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
05 .01 .2016
starts at 10 :00 AM
ends at 01 :00 PM
Contact Details
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Event Information
APA 5k
The Auburn Police Association 5th annual A.P.A. 5K Run/Walk was created to benefit the Auburn Police Association Scholarship fund. During this fun family day 100% of the Run/Walk proceeds will benefit the Auburn Police Association Scholarship Fund.

The Auburn Police Association Scholarship assists the youth in our community with financial aid toward their college education.

The course is mainly a down and back on mostly back roads of Auburn. With one small hill, it is a great beginners course for everyone to walk, jog or run! There is a race t-shirt guaranteed to all per-registered runners! The post run party includes a cookout, dj and raffle! Award are given out to the top finishers in multiple age categories!
Team Counts
Want to know how many participants are on each team? Click here to check!
Team Registration Style
Please select a method of registration below:
   Join a Team: Pick from a list of team names on the next page and join your team.
   Create a Team: Once you create a team, participants can join your team under the "join a team" option above.
   Individual Registration: Register as an individual participant.
In consideration of acceptance of my entry the undersigned hereby, for myself, my heirs, successors, assigns, executors, and administrators hereby waive and release all claims for damages for injuries or any other loss which may arise or result from my participation in the APA5K run/walk (the “Event”) against the following entities and parties: The Town of Auburn, the Auburn Police Association, Event sponsors, Event charitable beneficiaries, Event volunteers, including with respect to each of the foregoing their representatives, successors, agents, employees, servants, directors, and officers (collectively the “Released Parties” ) including such injuries caused by the negligence, gross negligence, or other fault of the Released Parties or any one of them. I understand that participation in road race events is an inherently dangerous activity with a risk of serious injury or death. I represent that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to safely participate in and complete this Event as a foot race entrant, and that a licensed physician has verified my fitness for this Event. I hereby authorize the Released Parties to use my likeness in photographs, motion pictures, video or digital recordings, or any other form of video or audio recording for the purpose of reporting or promoting this or similar events.