Hope and a Future Run/Walk 5K/1K/10K

  • 03.07.2020 @ 08:30 AM
  • Valencia, California
Registration Transfer
I,_________________________(print name), acknowledge that my participation in the 1K, 5k and 10K run involves a risk of injury, including bodily injury, and assume the risk for same. On my own behalf and on behalf of my heirs and legal representatives and to the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby release and discharge The Imago Dei School, Trinity Classical Academy and their respective agents and representatives, of and from any and all liability for injury, death, or damages and/or any other claims, demands, losses or damages, incurred by me in connection with any aspect of the 1K, 5k and 10K run. I understand that photos taken during the event may be used for promotional purposes.