Almaden Valley Women's Club Virtual 5K Art & Wine Community Event June 26 - July 3, 2022

  • 06.26.2022 @ 09:00 AM
  • Anywhere, California
Event Closed
The event administrator has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
06 .26 .2022
starts at 09 :00 AM
Contact Details
Contact Person:
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Event Information
You can download our suggested routes to follow and complete your virtual 5K!

Route 1: Upper Guadalupe River Trail - Download

Route 2: Los Alamitos Creek Trail - Download

Sub Event Cost Distance
$40.00 5km
$100.00 5km
$30.00 5km
By indicating your acceptance, you understand, agree, warrant and covenant as follows: In consideration of your accepting my entry, I, intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, forever waive, release and give up any and all claims, demands, liability, damages, costs and expenses of any kind whatsoever, including personal injuries to me, and/or the child may I choose to participate with whom rides in my jogging/running/baby stroller, or wrongful death against the City of San Jose and their agents, officers and volunteers, City of San Jose Recreation and Parks Department and their agents, officers and volunteers, Santa Clara County and their agents, officers and volunteers, California State Parks and their agents and volunteers, Almaden Valley Women’s Club and their sponsors, volunteers, contractors, subcontractors and their employees, representatives, agents and heirs, which may arise from my participation in the Almaden Valley Women’s Club Virtual or Touchless event in June-July, 2022 or while traveling to or from the event, even if caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other fault of the parties or person or persons I am hereby releasing, by the dangerous or defective condition of any property or equipment owned, maintained or controlled by them and/or because of their liability without fault. I fully understand the virtual and touchless event options are not permitted in-person, live events, and there will be no city/county permits. I fully understand if I come to San Jose to run on a suggested route, I am doing this at my own discretion and safety, and abide by all traffic and pedestrian laws by utilizing sidewalks, paths, trails and crosswalks, and under no circumstances is it recommended running in the street where there is vehicular or bicycle traffic, and there will be no support from the Almaden Valley Women’s Club staff, volunteers, or City/County law enforcement. I FULLY UNDERSTAND I AM FOREVER GIVING UP IN ADVANCE ANY RIGHT TO SUE OR MAKE ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE PARTIES I AM RELEASING IF I SUFFER SUCH INJURIES AND DAMAGES EVEN THOUGH I DO NOT KNOW WHAT OR HOW EXTENSIVE THOSE INJURIES AND DAMAGES MIGHT BE AND AM VOLUNTARILY ASSUMING THE RISK OF SUCH INJURIES AND DAMAGES. I attest that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for this strenuous competition. I will assume my own medical and emergency expenses in the event of an accident or other incapacity or injury resulting from or occurring in my participation. In consideration of this being an amateur event, I release the rights of any and all photographic material, motion picture, video tape, recordings and/or computer information organizers may wish to release for this event without obligation to me or my child in my walking, hiking, jogging / running/ baby stroller. I understand there are no refunds for this event. REGISTRATION AGREEMENT AND LIABILITY WAIVER (the "Agreement and Waiver") 1. Authority to Register and/or to Act as Agent. You represent and warrant to, that you have full legal authority to complete this event registration on behalf of yourself and/or any party you are registering (the "Registered Parties"), including full authority to make use of the credit or debit card to which registration fees will be charged. As used in this Agreement and Waiver, Racewire and any and all subsidiaries, affiliated entities, or entities that control or are controlled by Racewire singly or together and its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents. If you are registering a child under the age of 18 or an incapacitated adult you represent and warrant that you are the parent or legal guardian of that party and have the legal authority to enter into this agreement on their behalf and by proceeding with this event registration, you agree that the terms of this Agreement and Waiver shall apply equally to all Registered Parties. By registering a child under 13, you agree and consent to the collection of that child's information which you provide for the purposes of registration. 2. Waiver. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT PARTICIPATION IN THE EVENT IS POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS, AND THAT A REGISTERED PARTY AND ANY CHILD YOU ARE PUSHING IN A JOGGING/RUNNING/BABY STROLLER, SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE UNLESS THEY ARE MEDICALLY ABLE AND PROPERLY TRAINED. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT EVENTS MAY BE HELD OVER PUBLIC ROADS AND FACILITIES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DURING THE EVENT AND UPON WHICH HAZARDS ARE TO BE EXPECTED. PARTICIPATION CARRIES WITH IT CERTAIN INHERENT RISKS THAT CANNOT BE ELIMINATED COMPLETELY RANGING FROM MINOR INJURIES TO CATASTROPHIC INJURIES INCLUDING DEATH. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT IN CONSIDERATION OF BEING PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENT, YOU AND ANY REGISTERED PARTY, THE HEIRS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS OF YOU OR THE REGISTERED PARTY DO HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE RACEWIRE FOR ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS ARISING FROM PARTICIPATION IN THE EVENT BY YOU OR ANY REGISTERED PARTY. 3. Limitation of Liability; Disclaimer of Warranties. RACEWIRE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, RESULTING FROM (A) THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE RACEWIRE OR (B) FOR THE COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS AND SERVICES OR (C) RESULTING FROM ANY GOODS OR SERVICES PURCHASED OR OBTAINED OR TRANSACTIONS ENTERED INTO THROUGH RACEWIRE OR (D) RESULTING FROM UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE, EVEN IF RACEWIRE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT USE OF RACEWIRE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. RACEWIRE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. RACEWIRE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Racewire makes no warranty that the Racewire sites' services will be uninterrupted, secure or error free. Racewire does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information in, or provided in connection with, the Racewire sites. Racewire is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of such information. You understand and agree that any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Racewire sites is at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your own computer system or loss of data that results from the download of such material and/or data. 4. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify and hold each of Racewire harmless from and against any and all damages, costs, claims or demands, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising from or relating to your use of Racewire or the violation of any term of this Agreement and 5. ENTRY FEE NON-REFUNDABLE. I understand that my entry fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable. BY INDICATING YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT AND WAIVER, YOU ARE AFFIRMING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT AND WAIVER AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE GIVING UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE SIGNING THE AGREEMENT AND WAIVER FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY, AND INTEND BY YOUR ACCEPTANCE TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW. There are no refunds for this event. There is only the virtual and touchless San Jose experience option. I am aware of what these options include. I understand this is not a large gathering or live in-person race.