4th Annual Huntington Park 5K

  • 04.01.2023 @ 08:30 AM
  • Huntington Park , California
Event Closed
The event administrator has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
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Event Information
About This Event / Sobre Este Evento
Join us for our 4th Annual 5K! Arrive at 7:45am for a pre-race warm up. The 5K will promptly begin at 8:30am on April 1, 2023. Please plan accordingly. In order to ensure results are accurate, all participants MUST start before the first finisher comes through.

Pre-run warm ups will be led at 7:45am. Join us after the run for our Health and Education Expo and Easter Egg Hunt!!
¡Únase a nosotros para nuestro cuarto 5K anual! Llegue a las 7:45 am para un calentamiento previo a la carrera. El 5K comenzará puntualmente a las 8:30 a. m. el 1 de abril de 2023. Planifique en consecuencia. Para garantizar que los resultados sean precisos, todos los participantes DEBEN comenzar antes de que llegue el primer finalista.

Los calentamientos previos a la carrera se realizarán a las 7:45 am. ¡Únase a nosotros después de la carrera para nuestra exposición de salud y educación y la búsqueda de huevos de Pascua!

Race Location / Ubicación de la Carrera
Salt Lake Park located at 3401 E. Florence Ave. Huntington Park, CA 90255

Registration For 5K / Inscripción para 5K
Registration Fee includes Timing Bib, T-Shirt, Swag Bag while supplies last. T-Shirt sizes are limited.

Online registration will be available until race reaches capacity of 500.
La tarifa de registro incluye pechera de cronometraje, camiseta y bolsa hasta agotar existencias. Las tallas de las camisetas son limitadas.

El registro en línea estará disponible hasta que la carrera alcance la capacidad de 500.

Pre Event Pick Up / Recogida previa al Evento
We strongly recommend to pick up Timing Bib, T-Shirt, and Swag Bag the week of 3/27/23 to 3/31/23 from 8:00am to 7:30pm. Swag Bag and T-Shirt sizes are limited.

Pick Up location will be at the Main Recreational Center located at 3401 E. Florence Ave. Huntington Park, CA 90255.

Please contact us at (323)584-6218 for any questions.
Recomendamos encarecidamente recoger el dorsal, la camiseta y la bolsa de regalo la semana del 27/03/23 al 31/03/23 de 8:00 a. m. a 7:30 p. m. Los tamaños de Swag Bag y T-Shirt son limitados.

El lugar de recogida será en el Centro Recreativo Principal ubicado en 3401 E. Florence Ave. Huntington Park, CA 90255.

Comuníquese con nosotros al (323) 584-6218 si tiene alguna pregunta.

Event Day Registration / Registro del dia de Evento
Same day registration will be available only if race has not reached capacity. CREDIT or DEBIT CARD ONLY. Same day registration does not guarantee T-Shirt and Swag Bag.
El registro el mismo día estará disponible solo si la carrera no ha alcanzado su capacidad. ÚNICAMENTE TARJETA DE CRÉDITO o DÉBITO. La inscripción el mismo día no garantiza la camiseta ni la bolsa de botín.

Event Day Pick Up / Recogida el día del Evento
Timing Bib can be picked up the day of the event from 6:30am to 7:45am at race location.
El dorsal de cronometraje se puede recoger el día del evento de 6:30 a. m. a 7:45 a. m. en el lugar de la carrera.

Course Maps
Sub Event Cost Distance
$30.00 3.1mi
$10.00 3.1mi
$10.00 3.1mi
$50.00 3.1mi
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY In consideration of participation in the activities provided by the City of Huntington Park as listed on the Activity Registration Form (“Activities”), I, the undersigned adult listed below, am at least 18 years of age, and agree and understand that such programs and activities have inherent risks, and that participation may result in serious injury, including but not limited to those set forth in the assumption and acknowledgment of risks paragraph below. I further understand that the Activities will be shared with others over whom the City has no control. With the foregoing understanding, I agree as follows: ASSUMPTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ALL RISKS. I, on my own behalf, and on behalf of the minor(s) listed below, as their parent, legal (court appointed) guardian or custodian, knowingly, voluntarily, and freely accept and assume any and all risks, both known and unknown, of injuries or other loss or damage that result while participating in any Activities however caused, even if caused in whole or in part by the action, inaction or negligence of the City of Huntington Park, the Department of Parks & Recreation and its officers, employees, agents, game officials, managers and coaches (collectively referred to as "Released Parties"). Such risks include, but are not limited to cuts and bruises, falls, broken bones, injuries to wrists, arms, legs, ankles, backs, heads and necks, injuries from contact with other individuals, and/or spinal injuries. The risks assumed include those inherent in the Activities offered by Released Parties. WAIVER OF ALL CLAIMS. I, on my own behalf, and on behalf of the minor(s) listed below, expressly waive any and all claims, suits or demands for personal injury, property damage or other loss against the Released Parties, and each of them, including but not limited to any and all negligence, negligent supervision, and negligent instruction. To the fullest extent permitted by law, this waiver is intended to be a complete release of the Released Parties for any and all responsibility for personal injuries, property damage or death sustained by me or the below listed minor(s) from participation in the Activities whether arising out of or resulting from, including but not limited to, my or their participation in activities, use of play equipment, parking lots, premises and facilities. This release applies for any date in the future (including today’s date) that I, or the minor(s) listed below, may participate in the Activities and is further binding on the heirs, representatives and estates of myself, the undersigned adult below, and the below listed minor(s). I further agree to waive, release and hold harmless the Released Parties, from and against all claims, damages, injuries, expenses, or death arising out of or resulting from administering of or failing to administer medical assistance to me or any of the below-listed minor(s). INDEMNITY. I further agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties, and each of them, including attorney’s fees and costs, against any and all claims, lawsuits or demands resulting from any loss, injury, damage, or death, as well as property damage, arising out of, connected to, or relating in any way to my or the below-listed minor(s)’ participation in the Activities, and/or the presence on the property, including those brought by me or the below-listed minors. This agreement to indemnify the Released Parties, includes, but is not limited to any active or passive negligence of the Released Parties, any active or passive negligence by the below-listed minor(s), by me, and/or any third party. AUTHORIZATION TO USE IMAGE AND PERSONAL INFORMATION. The Released Parties are hereby granted the right to use any images and personal information of the undersigned and minor(s) listed below, in any social media platform, websites, and other marketing materials. I READ AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH, HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY IT FOR MYSELF AND ON BEHALF OF ALL BELOW-LISTED MINOR(S). If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.