Run LA 10 Miler

  • 08.04.2024 @ 07:00 AM
  • Los Angeles, California
Event Details
Contact Details
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Event Information
Are strollers allowed on this run?
Yes, strollers are allowed ONLY for the 5K course

Do all distances start and finish in the same location?
Yes, please review and get familiar the routes in the "Course Map" section above!

Are there any age restrictions for the 10 Miler?
Yes, the minimum age to participate is 14 years of age, no exceptions!

Are there any age restrictions for the 10K & 5K?
No! Anyone is welcome to participate!

Are dogs allowed on this run?
Absolutely no dogs are allowed on this run due to liability reasons with our insurance, sorry!

Is there a time limit for this event?
There's a cutoff of 3 hours for the 10 Miler, 1 hour and 45 minutes for the 10K, and 1 hour and 20 minutes for the 5K.

Are there any restrooms for this event?
There will be porta potties at start/finish line and there are also park restrooms available.

Will there be water stations on the course?
Yes! We will be providing water stations on the course. The 10 Miler will have 5 water stations on course. The 10K will have 2 water stations on course. The 5K will have 1 water station.

Can my shirt/medal be mailed to me?
Unfortunately, we will not be mailing out any items. All items must be picked up on-site at packet pickup or race morning. This applies to race items and awards. If you cannot make it to the event, you can have a friend grab your items for you as long as they have a copy of your ID.

Will there be a First Aid station?
There will be a first aid station at the start/finish line.
Team Registration Style
Please select a method of registration below:
   Join a Team: Pick from a list of team names on the next page and join your team.
   Create a Team: Once you create a team, participants can join your team under the "join a team" option above.
   Individual Registration: Register as an individual participant.
In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I am intending to be legally bound, do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, and discharge any and all rights and claims for damages which I may have or which may hereafter occur to me against the Ray Endurance Events, the Run LA 10 Miler, and other sponsors and contributors, the person, or organizations affiliated, their representatives, successors, and assigns, for any and all injuries suffered by me resulting from my participation in any event. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for this event. I understand that there are absolutely no refunds or credits to other events.