The 30th Annual El Toro Chargers 4th of July 5K

  • 07.04.2024 @ 07:00 AM
  • Lake Forest, California
Event Closed
The event administrator has closed online registration for this event. Same-day registration will be available from 6:00 AM - 6:50 AM at the Race Registration Booth on Lake Forest Dr. in front of the Ralph\'s Shopping Center. Thank you!
Check out these other awesome events by the same organizer!
Event Details
07 .04 .2024
starts at 07 :00 AM
ends at 10 :00 AM
Contact Details
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Event Information
Registration Information
Come and participate in the 30th Annual El Toro Chargers 4th of July 5K Run/Walk at 7:00 AM on Thursday, July 4th, 2024!

The Kids 1K will begin at 8:00 AM! This race is limited to racers ages 10 and under.

Plan to stay for our city's annual Independence Day parade at 10:00 AM. The race course and parade flow through the tree lined streets of this scenic community. Proceeds support the students of El Toro High School through the Parent Student Teacher Organization.
Online registration closes July 3rd, 2024 @ 10:00 PM PST.
In-person registration will be available at Chinook & Lake Forest Dr. beginning at 6:00 AM.

Earlybird Registration: March 1st - June 14th
Students: $20
Non-Students: $40
Kids (Ages 10 and Under): $20

Latebird Registration: June 15th - July 2nd
Students: $20
Non-Students: $50
Kids (Ages 10 and Under): $20

Online July 3 through in person July 4th
Students: $25
Non-Students: $60
Kids (Ages 10 and Under): $25
Bib Number/Packet Pick Up Dates
Sunday June 30th from 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Road Runner Sports, 24291 Avenida De La Carlota, Laguna Hills, CA.
Wednesday, July 3rd from 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM at the El Toro High School Gym, 25255 Toledo Way, Lake Forest, CA 92630.
Thursday, July 4th from 6:00 AM - 6:50 AM at the corner of Chinook Dr. & Lake Forest Dr.

See our website,, for details. If a confirmation e-mail is not received, please check your spam folder.

Those participating in the packet pick up on June 30th will be entered into a raffle. The winner will receive a $100 gift card to Road Runner Sports!
Directions & Parking
From the 405 Freeway Southbound: Exit Bake Parkway. Proceed to Trabuco Road and turn right. Turn right on Lake Forest Dr. Parking will be available in the Ralph's shopping center.

From the 5 Freeway Northbound: Exit El Toro Road. Proceed to Trabuco Road and turn left. Turn left on Lake Forest Dr. Parking will be available in the Ralph's shopping center.
Street Closure
Lake Forest Drive and Ridge Route Drive will be closed from Jeronimo Road to Serrano Road from 4:30 AM - 12:00 PM on Thursday, July 4th.

El Toro Road and Bake Parkway are the best routes on race day.
Medals will be provided for all who participate!

An awards ceremony will be held at 8:15 AM. The top 3 finishers per age group in each gender will be recognized at the ceremony and will be presented with a plaque.

The top 3 overall finishers for each gender will receive a plaque and a $50 gift card to Road Runner Sports.
Course Maps
Sub Event Cost Distance
5K: Non-Student $50.00 5km Closed
5K: Student $20.00 5km Closed
$20.00 1km
$40.00 5km
$20.00 5km
I hereby release the County of Orange, City of Lake Forest, El Toro High School PSTO and all agencies whose property and/or personnel are used and other sponsoring or co-sponsoring companies, agencies or individuals from responsibility for any injuries or damages I may suffer as a result of my participation in any of these events. I hereby certify that I am in good condition and am able to compete in this event. I will also permit the use of my name and pictures in broadcasts, telecasts, newspapers, brochures, etc. and I also understand that the entry fee is non-refundable. As a participating athlete I certify that all the information provided in this form is true and complete.