UMass March of Dimes 5k Race/Walk

  • 10.13.2012 @ 07:00 AM
  • Amherst, Massachusetts
Event Closed
The event administrator has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
Contact Details
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Event Information
Categories: Medals 1st, 2nd, 3rd (Male/Female: under 18, 18-25, 26-40, 41+) Plaque for best team +giftcards
UMass Football Stadium McGuirk parking lot

Registration at 10am, race begins at 11am
The March of Dimes is a non profit organization. The mission of the March of Dimes is to prevent birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality through education, advocacy, community services, and research. All proceeds will go to the March of Dimes to fund their mission.
Team Registration Style
Please select a method of registration below:
   Join a Team: Pick from a list of team names on the next page and join your team.
   Create a Team: Once you create a team, participants can join your team under the "join a team" option above.
   Individual Registration: Register as an individual participant.
I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the March of Dimes, sponsors, coordinating groups and any individuals associated with the event, their representatives and assigns, and will hold them harmless for any and all injuries suffered in connection with this event. I attest that I am physically fit to compete in this event. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use my likeness in all media including photographs, pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. Race management reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event due to events out of management's control such as weather, natural disasters or other emergencies. No refunds will be issued under these circumstances. Management may also alter the course and distances for the safety of the athletes. I understand that the entry fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. SecureFeeā„¢ Registration Cancellation Insurance is offered in most states. If purchased, your registration may be covered for one of the covered reasons stated in the policy.