Break a Wave Open Water Swim

  • 08.28.2016 @ 08:30 AM
  • Traverse City, Michigan
Event Closed
The event administrator has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
08 .28 .2016
starts at 08 :30 AM
Contact Details
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Event Information
About This Event
Break a Wave offers swimmers an up-north open water swim adventure in the Old Mission Harbor of East Grand Traverse Bay. The event site is located approximately 20 miles north of Traverse City, MI on the Old Mission Peninsula. Participants choose their swim distance of a 1-mile or 2-mile out-and-back course, with both distances starting and finishing at Haserot Beach. Swimmers will follow the shoreline north to the halfway point of their race distance and then head back to shore.
Event Timeline
6:00 am Event Set-up/Set Course Buoys,
6:45 am Registration Open/Check-in/Body Markings,
7:30 am Safety Personnel & Watercraft Meeting,
7:30 am Warm-up Area Open,
7:45 am Motorized and Non-motorized Watercraft on Course,
7:45 am Registration Closed,
8:00 am Warm-up Area Closed,
8:10 am Pre-race Participant Meeting on Beach (MANDATORY),
8:25 am Stage 2-Mile Participants,
8:30 am Start 2-Mile Swim,
8:35 am Stage 1-Mile Participants,
8:40 am Start 1-Mile Swim,
10:30am Course Cleared of Participants/Collect Buoys,
10:40am Awards,
11:00am End Event/Event Cleanup
The race is open to all individuals 18 years and older, with exception of the 1-mile event, which will offer a 14-17 age category.
ALL participants will be required to sign the Break a Wave waiver release form before participating in the event.
Participants in the 14-17 age group division will additionally be required to have their head coach complete the Coach Approval for Minor Form stating that the swimmer is of appropriate skill level to participate in the 1-mile event. Please contact the event director for an email copy of the Coach Approval for Minor Form.
Event Time Limit
Participants remaining in the water after 10:30 am will be assisted off the course.
Event Check-in
Check-In: Event check-in will take place at the registration table on the beach, beginning at 6:45 am. During check-in, participants will be issued a race cap and an identification card. Please note that the identification card MUST BE WORN INSIDE/UNDERNEATH YOUR RACE CAP in order for your time to be properly recorded. Upon finishing the swim, the identification card will be handed in to the finishers table to record each swimmers finish order, place and time.
Registration Fees
Early: (Online Entries up to 11:59 pm Wednesday, August 26, 2015)
$27.00, 14-17 year old
$37.00, 18 and over

Late: (Race Day Entries)

Event T-shirts
T-shirts will be available for purchase online until AUGUST 1, 2016. Pre-order a Break a Wave event t-shirt with your online registration to guarantee your size. Event t-shirts will be available for purchase on race day, however size availability is not guaranteed.
A short awards ceremony will take place at approximately 10:40 am on the beach. Post-race food and beverages will be available to participants.

The top three male and top three female finishers in each age group will receive awards. Men’s and women’s age group divisions will be as follows: 14-17(1-mile only), 18-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+. Participants wearing wetsuits will be classified in the wetsuit division and awarded overall top 3 female and 3 male participants, not per age group.
From US-31N: Turn left onto Garfield Ave, continue onto Peninsula Drive. Veer right to continue onto M-37/Center Rd for approximately 15 miles. Turn right onto Swaney Rd and continue for 1 mile. Turn right onto Mission Rd and you have arrived at the event parking. From US-31S: Turn right onto Garfield Ave, continue onto Peninsula Drive. Veer right to continue onto M-37/Center Rd for approximately 15 miles. Turn right onto Swaney Rd and continue for 1 mile. Turn right onto Mission Rd and you have arrived at the event parking.
Sub Event Cost Distance
$27.00 1mi
$37.00 1mi
$37.00 2mi
$27.00 1mi
$37.00 1mi
$37.00 2mi
Waiver Release: In consideration of the acceptance of my entry in the Break a Wave Open Water Swim, I will not hold Michin’ Accomplished or any employees or volunteers associated with the Break a Wave Open Water Swim responsible for any injuries, damage, or personal loss incurred while participating in said program. I am aware of the hazards in open water swimming, including potential for hypothermia. I attest and verify that, to the best of my knowledge, my physical condition and fitness are adequate for me to safely compete in the open water swim, and that no physician or other qualified individual has advised me against competing in any portion of the Break a Wave Open Water Swim. I HEREBY FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISKS OF PARTICIPATING IN THIS EVENT. SecureFee™ Registration Cancellation Insurance is offered in most states. If purchased, your registration may be covered for one of the covered reasons stated in the policy.