Fall 5K/10K & Half Marathon

  • 11.04.2018 @ 09:00 AM
  • Shelburne, Vermont
Event Closed
The event administrator has closed online registration for this event.
Event Details
11 .04 .2018
starts at 09 :00 AM
ends at 01 :30 PM
Contact Details
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Event Information
About This Event
This is our grand finale of half marathons for the year. With all that hard training and racing, here’s your final chance to get that PR you’ve been working towards all season. Beginning at Shelburne Field House (on Athletic Drive), the Half Marathon is a loop course. You’ll start out running through one of Shelburne’s most popular neighborhoods before heading into the countryside. After a short jaunt past Shelburne Farms, you’ll progress north to the Shelburne Shipyard where you’ll turn around and head back home (don’t miss the beautiful views of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks along the way). Continue down the Shelburne Bay Path and the historic Ti-Path before returning to Shelburne Field House.

There will be 2 waves for this race: 5K/10K and Half Marathon.

Our half course was recognized in 2014 by Active.com as one of nine of the most scenic Fall half marathon courses in New England. Last year we saw racers from 19 states plus Quebec. This race drew racers from as far away as North Dakota, Montana, California and even Alaska!

To celebrate a great racing season and your successes, we’ll gather for some post-race snacks after your race. Be sure to stick around for the awards ceremony and the product raffle full of great prizes — but you have to be there to win.

There is a 3 hour time limit for the half marathon. Race walkers are encouraged to participate in the 5K division only.
5K & 10K:
$30 if registration is received by October 14, 2018
$35 if registered October 14 -31, 2018
$45 on race day (if not already full)

Half Marathon:
$45 if registration is received by October 14, 2018
$55 if registered October 14 -31, 2018
$65 on race day (if not already full)

Price includes finisher medal for all three divisions.

Commemorative race t-shirts can be purchased for $15 through October 21, 2018. Any shirts that are not picked up prior to race start will be available for sale after the race. We will not mail shirts or prizes; however, if you let us know that you cannot make it, we will hold your shirt for pick up at Shelburne Field House.
Check In/Registration Time
Pre-race pick up: Saturday, November 3, 2018, noon – 4:00 pm at Fleet Feet Sports, 77 Pearl Street, Essex Junction

Race Day bib pick up: Sunday, November 4, 2017, 6:45 – 7:45 am at Shelburne Field House. We STRONGLY encourage Saturday bib pick up to avoid long race day lines. NO BANDITS ALLOWED.
Where to Park
Please park at the Shelburne Community School, Shelburne Town Hall or at the Shelburne railroad station. All are an easy walk to/from Shelburne Field House. Parking will not be allowed onsite due to the danger that exiting cars pose to our racers who are still finishing.
Directions to Race
Take Route 7 north or south until you are in the village of Shelburne, Vermont. From Route 7, turn west onto Harbor Road in the Village of Shelburne (you’ll be turning toward the Mobil station). Cross the railroad track and find Athletic Drive on the right hand side. Turn onto Athletic Drive and follow to Shelburne Field House.
Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place male and female finishers in each division. Prizes include:

- top prize to be determined
- a bottle of wine courtesy of Shelburne Vineyard
- a RaceVermont.com pint glass

A RaceVermont.com pint glass will also be awarded to the top finisher in each age category (5-year groupings).

A raffle of prizes donated by our sponsors will be held after the awards ceremony. You must be present to win.
Light refreshments including fruit, bagels, Vermont Cookie Love cookies, and bottled water will be available immediately following the race courtesy of Bruegger’s Bagels, Shelburne Market, and Vermont Cookie Love.
Volunteers Needed
Please consider helping for this event. Call Rayne at (802) 316-7142 to volunteer.
Participant Search
Want to search a list of registered participants? Click here to search!
Sub Event Cost Distance
$55.00 13.1mi
$35.00 3.1mi
$35.00 6.2mi
In consideration of the acceptance by sponsor of my entry in this event, I hereby waive any liability the sponsor may have arising out of my participation in this event. Furthermore, I acknowledge, agree and represent that I have read the rules and regulations of the event, and as a participant, I understand the nature of the activity required to participate in this event and the risks and dangers presented by such activity, including, but not limited to, serious bodily injury, permanent disability, paralysis and death, or the loss of personal property (“Risks”), and that I am participating in this event voluntarily and entirely at my own risk. These Risks may be caused by my own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in this event, the condition of the facilities or premises in which the activity takes place, or the negligence or willful misconduct of the Herzog Enterprises, LLC, RaceVermont.com, Shelburne Field House Inc, Deer Point Management LLC, Shelburne Recreation Department, Town of Shelburne, and all sponsors of this race (collectively, the “Released Parties”). I fully accept and assume all such Risks and all responsibility for losses, costs and damages I incur as a result of my participation in this event. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Released Parties, and if applicable, owners and lessors of the premises on which the event takes place from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Released Parties or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this waiver and release of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Released Parties, I will indemnify, save and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as a result of such claim. If any portion of this waiver and release from liability shall be deemed by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then the remainder of this release shall remain in full force and effect and the offending provision or provisions severed herefrom. I hereby authorize RaceVermont.com, its representatives and employees the right to take photographs of me and my property in connection with participation in this event. I hereby grant to RaceVermont.com, its affiliates and its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to copyright, use and publish such photographs in print and/or electronic media. I hereby agree that RaceVermont.com may use such photographs with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, publicity, illustration, advertising and website content. By signing this release, I acknowledge and agree that I fully understand its content, that such content cannot be modified or amended orally, that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. SecureFee™ Registration Cancellation Insurance is offered in most states. If purchased, your registration may be covered for one of the covered reasons stated in the policy.